I am storing in a column a list of states that are separated by commas:
Like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.. and so on, just their IDs.
Then I am doing a query to get all the rows that have the state with the ID 8, and it works when the list of states has few items.
Answer :
Realistically, you should not be storing comma delimited data. It's known as denormalized data, and can be difficult to get information on specific values within the commas.
Like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.. and so on, just their IDs.
Then I am doing a query to get all the rows that have the state with the ID 8, and it works when the list of states has few items.
Answer :
That's not how the IN clause works--you need to use the FIND_IN_SET function to search comma separated values in a single column:
FROM partner
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(8, states) > 0
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